open invitation no. 5: favorite words

Collect favorite words. Write them down.

Writers get to have favorite words. It’s one of the perks of being a writer.

Favorite words can happen because you like the meaning — hug, light, watermelon, fun. Favorite words can happen because you like the sound — sizzle, pumpkin, baloney.

The ultimate favorite words are the ones where you claim both meaning and sound as a favorite. These words are special to collect.





If you don’t have a favorite words list, now is the time to begin one…or many. Keep them in notebooks, phones, sticky notes, and the back of napkins. Don’t be surprised when your favorite words start popping up in your writing. When we deem something special, it often gives back in magical ways.


Open your blog and write a post. It can be about anything — just write!


Reply to this post, jot a note and paste the permalink to your post.


Pop around and visit some other blogs. Leave a comment about the ideas or the craft…encourage and soak up the magic that will find you.

grab an image for your blog

Use one of these images so we can find each other…and you can invite others to share their stories with us!

Offer an invitation to others.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

Published by Ruth Ayres

Unhurried. Finding the magic in the middle of living. Capturing a life of ridiculous grace + raw stories.

24 thoughts on “open invitation no. 5: favorite words

    1. Here’s my comment Leigh Anne
      I love that option for Scrabble Leigh Anne and like you I taught 8th grade in at 8-12 bld. It’s exciting messy but I can’t imagine teaching them virtually so I am so with you now…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow Terje your poetry breakfast sounds amazing! I wish I could be in your community 🙂 but it’s so great that you’re sharing it with us…


      1. It was a fabulous morning. The kids read their poems and played some music. Two parents also read poetry and one family trio played a song too. The chat in Google Meet filled with clapping and compliments. This experience was uplifting. I got a bit teary eyed.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think I got through… so here’s my comment:

      Let’ see if this works Ramona. I keep getting bounced out of Google. I love this piece because you take us with you as you make sense of this life without real face to face connection. But it does sound like you life is full to the max in all of this… Bonnie

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I can’t seem to make Thursday posts work, because Wednesdays in remote learning are kinda hellish.

    But here ’tis…. about lilacs.

    Thx ❤


    1. Thanks, Jen for that! My mother also loved lilacs. My photo on my blog site is wisteria – which I mistook for lilacs! I realized that just now. There are lilacs outside my office window at school. I used to drink that smell. I miss going to school and those lilacs! What a lovely post!


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