open invitation no. 17: have fun

Write for the fun of it.

There are many reasons to write. Today, write for the fun of it. Writing is fun. Let the words wiggle and make something just because making stuff is fun. Write everything you know about zucchini or tooth brushing. Look for an unexpected color and write about it. Allow yourself to be charmed by the flowers or the lightening bugs.

Let’s not get caught up in the have to-s, as in I have to write a blog post today. Let’s not get caught up with the should haves, as in I should have written a blog post last week. Let’s not get caught up with the weight of a hard story or difficult times.

Smile while you write. Did you know that smiling can actually trick the body into a better mood? The act of smiling can trigger good feelings (powered by dopamine and serotonin) and lead you to being more open to fun.

PS — When you have fun while writing more magic is released into the world, making your corner of it a little more beautiful.


Open your blog and write a post. It doesn’t have to be a heart stretched story…it just needs to be written…and shared.


Reply to this post, jot a note and paste your URL.


Pop around and visit some other blogs. Leave a comment about the ideas or the craft…encourage and soak up the magic that will find you.

grab an image for your blog

Use one of these images so we can find each other…and you can invite others to share their stories with us!

Offer an invitation to others.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

Published by Ruth Ayres

Unhurried. Finding the magic in the middle of living. Capturing a life of ridiculous grace + raw stories.

12 thoughts on “open invitation no. 17: have fun

  1. Hey 🙂 Writing for fun is fantabulous. Today I wrote for fun, but also in some ways out of necessity. But, not a bad necessity, more like a necessity that sweetly asked me to play and create. I love having another place to share my writing. And, I love the idea of writing about teeth brushing or zucchini! lol.
    I will be back to read the the other posts when I feel a bit better.


  2. Ruth – You had me looking for magic once again, and that’s no small accomplishment. I went immediately online and bought a copy of How to be a Good Creature! Have you read The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse? It is exquisite. I read it in early December and bought it as Christmas presents for everyone I love. The Mole is my favorite character because he says: If at first you don’t succeed, eat cake!” Now that’s a character I can connect with!

    No. 17 – is all about memory, food, and three simple recipes – just for fun.


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