open invitation no. 23: a series of three

Three is magical.

When you write in a series of three, magic is stirred. It is true. It is lyrical. It is bold. You can use a series of three by repeating sentences, phrases or words. It can add structure, cadence and meaning to your writing. I do it all the time, and I lovelovelove it.

Give it a try — a series of three — although you may want to think of it as The Magic of Three*.

*Early in my career, I heard someone refer to a series of three as “The Magic of Three,” I do wish I remembered who so I could give proper credit.


Open your blog and write a post. Just write.


Reply to this post, jot a note and paste your URL.


Pop around and visit some other blogs. Leave a comment about the ideas or the craft…encourage and soak up the magic that will find you.

grab an image for your blog

Use one of these images so we can find each other…and you can invite others to share their stories with us!

Offer an invitation to others.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

Published by Ruth Ayres

Unhurried. Finding the magic in the middle of living. Capturing a life of ridiculous grace + raw stories.

27 thoughts on “open invitation no. 23: a series of three

    1. Great post, Tammy. It’s good to remember to be present and watch kids. I am back teaching in person, but many of the kids seem to be hiding behind their masks. I wonder how deep this is going to affect them.


    1. What a lovely piece! I wish my 4th graders could blog with your 4th graders. I’m teaching a study skills class this year to help teachers have a bit of a break. I’m so glad to be back in the classroom again! SHSHSH! don’t tell anyone!


    1. Ditto that! I created a list of kindness quotes for the students to reflect on each week. We post the quote on the lobby bullein board. I hope kindness and grace begins to permeate everyone!


    1. Oh Julie! This came just in time for me! I always pray in my head. This week I start to pray out loud and I found myself not knowing what to say. I was suddenly embarrassed. Thank you for the book suggestion. You are in my prayers. I hope the whole SOS group could have a reunion of sorts some day.

      Liked by 2 people

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