open invitation no. 25: commentary on the setting

Take time to offer commentary on the setting.

Writers often add setting description to their scenes. It is fun to use the five senses, metaphors and similes to paint a picture of the setting for the reader. As readers we know that too much description can sometimes cause us to slog through the sentences.

Take time to offer commentary on the setting. What is happening inside of you—your thoughts and soul—as you experience the place? Share it with the reader.

If you need inspiration, check out Terje’s Instagram feed. She often shares her thoughts on the setting. I’ve realized that this makes me feel like I’ve visited the place and it makes her writing reach my soul.

I want my writing to reach souls, too, so I’m going to start adding a bit of commentary on the setting.


Open your blog and write a post. Just write.


Reply to this post, jot a note and paste your URL.


Pop around and visit some other blogs. Leave a comment about the ideas or the craft…encourage and soak up the magic that will find you.

grab an image for your blog

Use one of these images so we can find each other…and you can invite others to share their stories with us!

Offer an invitation to others.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

Published by Ruth Ayres

Unhurried. Finding the magic in the middle of living. Capturing a life of ridiculous grace + raw stories.

16 thoughts on “open invitation no. 25: commentary on the setting

    1. Oh this is marvelous! I am a lichen enthusiast – poems and photos of them. I am a wild mushroom fall leaves, seashell, and bird enthusiast as well. Thanks for the reminder – The WORLD is indeed WONDERFUL!


    1. I love that we get a little glimpse of Estonia. I doubt I will ever travel there, but you make it so clear to me that I wish I could go. No masks! I’m teaching in person, with masks, and desks surrounded by plexiglass – a very different sense of community now. For reading while driving to school – I use Audible – that way I can keep up with all the stories I love.


    1. To find joy in the learning process – absolutely. I am new to mountain biking too – but in New Jersey it is more like woodland biking – still I laughed at you post because my husband and I have the same mindsets as we ride as you and your husband! Lovely Utah! Thanks for this!


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