open invitation no. 56: Storms

A storm is either brewing, raging, or settling for everyone. Always.

Everyone you meet, everyone you scroll past on social media, everyone who is walking on this big rock of a planet has a storm brewing, a storm raging, or a storm calming around them. It is true for you. It is true for me.

Today’s invitation is to take time to consider the storms you’ve faced in life. It can be literal, like the time you survived the tornado or when your parents waited for a fuel pump during a hurricane evacuation. It can be figurative, like the moment you received the diagnosis or the afternoon when you were forgotten.

Rather than writing about the storm, make a list of words or statements that describe the struggle this storm caused you. Your list can include helpful and not so helpful thoughts. Jot a list. Storms and struggles are part of life. They also make great topics for writing.

*Remember, you don’t have to accept this invitation…but I do hope you will accept the invitation to write. Sharing our stories is magical.

PS—I started a Facebook Group for the #sosmagic community. Join here.


Open your blog and write a post. Just write.


Reply to this post, jot a note and paste your URL.


Comment on other blogs. Soak up the magic that will find you.

grab an image for your blog

Use one of these images so we can find each other…and you can invite others to share their stories with us!

Offer an invitation to others.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

Published by Ruth Ayres

Unhurried. Finding the magic in the middle of living. Capturing a life of ridiculous grace + raw stories.

14 thoughts on “open invitation no. 56: Storms

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